With Samantha, this generous appointment time covers skin analysis, aesthetic perception and a plan for optimal outcomes as unique as you. Redeemable on any treatment taken within 4 months £50
Skin Biorevitalisation
Single treatment £285
​3 Treatments. £795
Hair Treatment. £295
3 Hair Treatments £840
Full face £300. Course of 4 £1080
Face and neck £400. Course of 4 £1200
Scarring from £220​​​
Single Treatment. £280
2 Treatments. £500 (limited time)
​​Body £350
Seventy Hyal
Single Treatment £180
3 Treatments. £480
Viscoderm £280
NCTF Mesotherapy £200​
Sunekos £250
Eye Area
Polynucleotides £285. Course of 3 £795
PRP £290. Course of 4 £1050
​NCTF Bright Eyes £200
​Hair Bio-Stimulators
​Polynucleotides £295. Course of 3 £825
PRP from £200